First PoOPs of the new year are in:
Mike Jurkovic
Andy Stewart
Ken Beck
And now, a word from our fearless PoOPmeister...
'Tis the season [again] to write POOP lists, fa-la-la-la-la.
The usual ground rules, which include:
- limit your swill to 2 sides of a page
- make it copy-ready by leaving at least a one inch margin on both sides
- deadline: NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Send to this email address AS AN ATTACHMENT, if you are able to do so
- Also send me a hard copy to the address below
- Toss in a few bucks. I never state how much because somehow each year your contributions just about cover the mailing/printing costs within a few bucks
- spread the POOP. Anybody can contribute!
- Any format that works for you works for POOP
- Also send your list as an attachment to for CyberPOOP [viewable at]
Thanks for all. Look for hardPOOP during the first week of February and CyberPOOP throughout January.
Happy Kringle and Betty Grable to you.
if you need the mailing address, email zip |
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