Right on, my man!!! I know you’ve been thinking it. And if you haven’t, you probably haven’t been paying attention. The art we once called hip hop has been dead for some time now. But because its rotting carcass has been draped in platinum and propped against a Gucci print car, many of us have missed its demise. He also gets to the possible solutions... Link: Fuck Hip Hop (Applesauce.com , thanks to S for the link) |
Richard Allen ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Ken Beck ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Kent B ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07 ´08 ´09
Bill Boyle ´03
Paul Cangelosi ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´06 ´07
Alicia Castaneda ´07
Brennan Cavanaugh ´02
Duncan Clark ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Damian Cleary* ´01 ´02 ´04 ´06
Don Cohen ´06
Scott Dellamore ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Kevin Falahee ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Eric Fine ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Jim Finnigan ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Bob Fino ´01 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Michael Fix ´01
Emilio Gironda, Jr. ´07
John Greak ´01 ´02 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
J.T. Haberstaat ´01
Bruce Handschuh ´01
Kathena M. Hasbrouck ´01
Kevin Hodgkiss ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06
Michael Hodgkiss ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Mike Jurkovic ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07 ´08
Rick Lange* ´01 ´02 ´03 ´06 ´07
John Lefsky ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Oliver Lodge ´07
Tony Lopez ´07
Susan Lyne ´02
Andrew Martin ´01
Rich McBride ´01
Mike Miller ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Matt Nerney ´01 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Jeffrey Paggi ´04
Irv Rosen ´01 ´02 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Kerri Rosen ´02
Mark Rosen ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Raissa St. Pierre ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´06 ´07
Jeff Schwartz ´01 ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Dave Squillante ´01
Eric Steinman ´07
Andrew Stewart ´06 ´07   ´08
John Stewart ´01 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´06
Bill Still* ´01 ´04 ´05 ´06 ´07
Dan Wilmer ´02 ´03 ´04 ´05 ´07
Mark Zip
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