Monday, December 30, 2002

Chuck Klosterman's (anti intellectual?, anti elitst?) rant about how differently the death of a Ramone and the death of a Ratt were handled. But as long as you have the right friends, your funeral will always matter a whole lot more. Link: The Ratt Trap (NYT free reg. req.)

Monday, December 23, 2002

Joe Strummer Dies
I'm thinking hard and except for Bob Marley I can't think of another dead musician who felt more mine. Sure, we all new Kurt was important but he fucked it up. Joe and Bob kinda died of natural causes and that makes it more fucked up. There's alot of folks waking up tday and saying, "Man, I feel old". TheGuardian (UK) Mojo Magazine Bulletin Board Search E-Bay music for "Strummer" BBC fans tribute board NME forum

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Brilliant!!! -- How Awful Is the Radio in Your City? Take This Simple Test (

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Right on, my man!!! I know you’ve been thinking it. And if you haven’t, you probably haven’t been paying attention. The art we once called hip hop has been dead for some time now. But because its rotting carcass has been draped in platinum and propped against a Gucci print car, many of us have missed its demise. He also gets to the possible solutions... Link: Fuck Hip Hop ( , thanks to S for the link)