Thursday, February 27, 2003

We are truly dooooomed! Polyphonic HMI, based in Barcelona, Spain has developed an artificial intelligence application that helps music labels determine the hit potential of music prior to its release. Link: Major Music Labels Use Artificial Intelligence To Help Determine "Hitability" Of Music (Music Industry News Network)

Monday, February 24, 2003

So you wanna be a rock ' roll star.... ? Really?? A look at a mythical rock band's earnings, with actual figures compiled from industry sources A music industry case study (NY Daily News)

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Even the NYT, bastion of the establishment, gets it: The Trouble With Corporate Radio: The Day the Protest Music Died (NYT - free reg. req.)

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Why "records" don't have to go out of print. The beginnings of the celestial jukebox? Link: Smithsonian Folkways Dusts Off Titles With New Technology (Google / Deja News) (via NYT)

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Monday, February 10, 2003

(Let's go for the most obvious headline here...) Dude, You're Gettin' Probation... (Smoking Gun)

Sunday, February 09, 2003

A classic from the archives! Music Industry Unveils New Piracy-Proof Format: A Black, Plastic Disc With Grooves On It (thanks to S for the link) (Originally posted June 24 2002

Thursday, February 06, 2003

test outside contributor mnftiu

Monday, February 03, 2003

As of Feb. 03 2003 7:00pm Eastern Time: Weezer #1, Depeche Mode #4 (!!!) Top 250 Searches at (**lots** of music)